Monday, October 22, 2007

back by popular demand

So I've heard the call and I'm back.

I know I've been delinquent in updating everyone on the goings on in my life but I've been pretty busy.

Over the last few weeks, I've discovered that it must take a special breed to do factory work. I've learned the art of Israeli Hitchhiking, and I'm beginning to adjust to my new environment.

I appreciate everyone's questions and concern and I want everyone to know I'm doing well.

The ulpan is great, I'm trying to learn some Hebrew, and I'm just enjoying the fact that I'm living in what might be the most beautiful and dynamic countries in the world.

Anyone who wants to visit me is welcome, i'd just suggest you hold off until I'm finished with the Ulpan.

Again I apologize and I promise I'll be updating the blog regularly I just need to get some sleep now.

Monday, October 1, 2007


It's Monday evening, my first full day in Israel and the past couple days have been a blur. As I'm sure this will be read by friends and family, welcome my blog. I will be keeping entries short and rather informal as this is mostly to keep in touch with all of you.

So now that introductions are out of the way, I arrived in Israel yesterday afternoon and things have moved along pretty smoothly.
I was met at the gate by a volunteer from AACI who led me to the Absorption Ministry office and assisted in my processing there.

I received my Teudat Oleh, which is as of now is my only form of identification it includes my ID number, as well as my full name in Hebrew. Since U.S. passports list First and Middle names next to one another with no division, the man who processed me included both in my name on my file and Teudat Oleh. Also my name is now Eitan according to my documents here so my full name reads phonetically in Hebrew Eitan Powel (as in vowel) Henshell.

I'm settling into the kibbutz even though they put me to work today in the factory I thought maybe I'd get some free time as the Ulpan program doesn't begin until Sunday but it's fine. I'm all unpacked but I definitely brought too much stuff so hopefully I'll get rid of some things over the next 5 months.

It's a little strange living in what amounts to a college dorm room again but I'm sure I'll adjust. I don't have a roommate yet so I'm a little anxious about that but otherwise I couldn't be happier I mean this is Israel, and now i think I can finally say Home!
more to come!

Monday, September 10, 2007


The attack on Zikim army base was the culmination of poor defense policy and a lack of response to the constant barrage of rockets emanating from Gaza.

In late summer 2005 when I volunteered through the Sar EL program, I did some work on Zikim and I recall looking into Gaza and thinking we were sitting targets if someone decided to fire on us.

Well last night it was confirmed that there was little to prevent terrorists in Gaza from attacking Zikim.

Had the government taken the attacks on Sderot seriously, and cracked down on Gaza rocket launches, perhaps the young IDF recruits would not have been subjected to this senseless carnage.

It's time to get serious about the threat we are facing and meet it head on. We must resolve to fight destroy and deter these blood thirsty murderers.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

the latest

So I haven't posted here in over a month and I know few people are reading as of yet but I'd like to post the latest info.

I've been in touch with the director of the Ulpan at Kibbutz Ein Hashofet. I have permission to arrive early which will be a great help. I've finalized my flight details after ELAL moved me to a JFK flight for no reason. I'm happy to say I'm back to my original EWR departure and I'm counting down the days.

In other news has anyone seen the CNN feature, G-d's Warriors. Check out the chatter around the net and decide for yourself but the depiction of Jewish so-called warriors was not only distasteful but blatantly wrong. While i don't defend violent actions of a small number of extremists, it is unfair to equate the entire settlement movement in Israel as well as their American supporters (Christian and Jewish) with the violent and hateful movements of militant Islam. Christiane Amanpour has done a disservice to truth in Journalism and has defamed many Jews and Christians in an effort to equate groups of fundamentalist christians and right wing and orthodox Jews with the culture of death that is sweeping the Islamic world.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Just got back from Philly and I have my Aliyah Visa! Didn't have any of the problems that I expected since my last passport was stolen and I didn't have proof of entry and exit dates but they didn't even ask me about it... more worrying over nothing. I also had lunch w/ my dad and a former Colonel in the IDF who was so nice to talk to and she gave me some good advice including calling her if I need anything since she's got some serious connections. Other than that not much to report. Things are looking up.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hopefully Thursday be it

So I went to the SOP and final meeting which included a dinner held in Philly for summer Olim... A lot of congratualtory speeches some free food and an information packet.

Now that they've assured me I'll have a terrible time dealing with the bureaucracy and adjustment etc, I think I'll have to disregard about 95% of the event.

Anyway, I should be going to back to philly on Thursday to apply for the Aliyah Visa and pending a smooth process there I should be all set for September.

Not too much else going on at the momement just trying to survive my last class which will be over in 3 weeks. Before I know it I'll be in Israel.

Last but not least a big shoutout and Kol Hakavod to Cori (see link to right) on her draft notice!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Counting down

It's 96 days till I being my new journey and I can't wait. This summer is going pretty fast. I'm taking classes which means I have no life but at least it makes the weeks go by preety quickly. I really can't focus on anything except for aliyah and all things Israel right now. A couple of my closest friends from home came to visit me this weekend and we had a couple of interesting conversations about Aliyah and Israel.

I'm so lucky to have these close friendships and my friends are all really supportive. When one of my friends asked me if Israel had to fight a war this summer would I still go in September I quickly replied yes. While I only wish for a peaceful future in Israel, I had to explain that the odds are at some point in my future I will live through a war in Israel and that I wouldn't be deterred by conflict. Afteral, Israel has been engaged in a war of survival since her founding. I think this question really reflected the response I have recieved from a lot of people. Everyone is so hung up on the issues of security, fears of terrorism and a completely skewed and twisted view of the reality "on the ground" in Israel.

Despite what may be described as a tenuous security situation, I have made the decision to tie my fate to that of my people and to settle in the land of Israel. I have complete faith that the Jewish Army, the IDF will carry out its mission dutifuly in the protection of the state and of the Jewish people and no threat from terror or war will keep me from contributing to the further development of the State of Israel.

On another note, If your getting tired of the Western media's highly selective coverage of events in Israel and the territories, check out the IBA news website for a broadcast in English with a distinctly Israeli perspective.

Not much else to report other than I have a new date for the SOP which will be July 5th in Philly. Will post again after the SOP.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Quick update

So it's been a while since I've posted but a lot is going on. I finished spring semester, my sister finished grad school and I had to deal with all of my friends leaving school. I also didn't get to meet with Shalichat Aliyah so we are rescheduling for June. So I'm getting really impatient and I can't wait for September. Today I went to a wedding for a friend that I grew up with and it's really hitting home that I'm "growing up" but since there were a lot frummy people there I got to talk to everyone about my aliyah and of course everyone had friends, family, eligible women etc. who I just "have to meet". I thought it would be annyoing answering the same questions over and over again but it's actually proving to be a lot of fun and I think it's solidifying my confidence in my decision. So all I have to do is get through these summer classes and soon I'll be home!!! Off to study for my exam tommorrow

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

So Excited!

My new digital camera just arrived!! Now I'll have all the pics i need from graduations and I'll be set for documenting my aliyah/klita! Charging the battery now can't wait to get started... Also I'm headed to Philly on Thursday morning to apply for my Visa and have the SOP meeting with Liran (not sure what we'll be discussing but should be interesting) Anyway, I'm headed out to enjoy the sun.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Horrible- No Excuse!

Anyone following the news out of Israel today could not have missed the apprehension of the suspected killer of a taxi driver in Tel Aviv. The confessed murderer and his younger brother apparently loured the driver, an Israeli Arab into their apartment attacked him and ultimately murdered him by slicing his throat. The man was apparently murdered for no reason other than being an Arab. The suspects are French olim which only adds to the horror and injustice of this crime. After we saw the beating and ultimate murder of a young Jewish man in France which prompted condemnation from leaders around the world, two Jews from France have committed an equally horrific crime for which they will not pay alone but we as the Jewish people will have to suffer the consequences. We as a nation are to be as a light unto all nations, we are not taught to kill in cold blood, to plot against our neighbor. Not only as a future Oleh, but first and foremost as a Jew I am ashamed and horrified by the violence brutality and hatred exhibited by these two men, my coreligionists, my brothers. It is a sad day for Jews, it is a sad day for Israel, and I pray that Hashem grants comfort to the family of the victim and for the two involved that justice be swift.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Quick note on Propeganda

For anyone who's been following the story coming out of the territories this week dealing with children's television (mickey mouse) advocating terrorism, check out Yael's blog @ for a clip from Glen Beck's radio program. If your interested in just how far western media goes to cover the tracks of the terrist regime in the territories this story alone should explain a great deal.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Finals Week Update

Well I'm another step closer to graduation. I finished classes last week and I have 3 finals tommorrow which spells the end to my last Spring semester here in State College PA. While I thought last week was one of the all time worst as far as workload goes, tonight may take the cake as the worst night ever of my college career. I have 3 final exams tommorrow and I can't bring myself to get into the study mode to compound these academic issues, I wasted half my day getting my car fixed this afternoon and then when I was at the gym tonight I got this feeling like I had just given blood and I almost passed out. In a last ditch effort to get some work done I got out of my apartment and headed down to the diner for study hall in the back but even here I'm finding it difficult to focus/care. I just keep browsing the Israel blog scene and checking for updates on all the Israeli news sites. Anyway, Israel is constantly on my mind. I wake up thinking about my Aliyah, I daydream about it, and I fall asleep to thoughts of warm mediteranean breezes. This whole waiting game is a little annoying but It's also pretty frustrating when the people you love keep reminding you of all the things you will miss.
So anyway, most of my friends are graduating and I'll be stuck in school all summer. It's actually a little more upsetting than I expected. While I'm dying to get out of here and move on with my life, there are some people that have become integral parts of my life and I'm struggling with the idea that our relationships will most certainly change. I guess this is all part of growing up but I wish transitions didn't have to come with so much emotion.
I'm sure I've lemented enough and I'm going to try to cut back on the complaining in the future but I just had to get some thoughts out that have been bouncing around in my head. As you can all tell by now, I don't have any big news or info on my Aliyah but I will be sure to update when something if anything happens.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Everything works out in the end

I just spoke with Liran, my Shlichat Aliyah this evening and she clarified all of the issues I had, informed me that the assistant I had been working with has left the Jewish Agency but that she did complete everything correctly in regards to my file and the like. Can't say that I've been more relieved in a long time. I've been getting myself too worked up in this process! I've been feeling like people don't listen to me and things aren't getting done when in reality I'm right on track. Liran advises I hold off a little while on the Visa application I think until next month which is fine with me because I have not time to go to philly right now as I'm in the midst of a rediculous amount of school work and will be preparing for finals shortly. Thank you Yael and Cori for the quick and helpful responses and If anyone missed memorial day and independence day in Israel check out yael's blog at for some great videos and commentary.
In continuance of the theme of this post, I'm beginning to reflect on the last 4 years of my life and I can't believe how fast the time goes. The path I thought I was embarking on as I entered college life is not the one I've taken. I certainly didn't take the fastest, most direct, or least resistant path, I blazed new trails, tried and failed, and sometimes when I least expected it succeeded. There were great laughs, lots of tears, time with friends, and time of lonliness but I've made it, the path was never clear I never imagined it would lead to such great friendships, and so many unique opportunities. In my preparations to become an Oleh Chadash, to settle amongst my people and tie myself to the land nation that has been our collective hope for generations I realize that the older and wiser people in my life who have always told me things happen for a reason and that everything will work out for the best are right. I will graduate from University a better person, I will move to Israel and I will strive to improve my new home with all I have learned along the way and it will all work out in the end.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Frustrated (again)

So by now I've been through the majority of the pre-aliyah process. I've experienced the lack of a sense of urgency or interest on the part of the Jewish Agency which eventually I pushed through. I've dealt with the slow and frustrating proof of Judaism issues (non-issue became an issue). Waited for responses to questions and inquiries which all amounted to a lot of frustration but never the less I've been able to have my tik (file) approved. Now I'm ready to apply for my Aliyah Visa and I still need to send in my application for Ulpan. Unfortunately when I called JA in Philly, the assistant is out for personal reason and I tried to other people I was referred to with no response. I have questions about both applications which I can't seem to find a human being to answer. I'm a little tired of voicemail, e-mail, and recordings but I'm still sooooo excited about my upcoming Aliyah especially as we celebrate our independence.
On another note, the weather here in central pennsylvania has been absolutely beautiful and I have just about no motivation to do any more work for school despite the fact this should probably be my most demanding 2 weeks this semester. I guess I'll push through as I only have a couple of classes to take this summer and then GRADUATION!
I'm trying to decide if I should by an unlocked GSM phone here and then get a sim card in Israel or if I should wait and buy a phone from Orange,Cellcom etc.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Condolences/ Progress

First I'd like to extend condolences to the families and friends of all those who were lost in the tragic shootings at Virginia Tech. I would like to recognize Prof. Liviu Librescu (Liev ben Isadore), a holocaust survivor, husband, father, teacher, and hero. Prof. Librescu put his students life before his own, this is not only an act of bravery but one of love, compassion, and selflessness. The Talmud says that to save one life is as if you have saved the world, Prof. Librescu saved more than one life and most certainly sacrificed himself for others, a noble and heroic act.

Over the last month and a half, I have made a lot of progress towards aliyah.
In March, I met with Shalichat Aliyah in Philadelphia and successfully opened my Tik Aliyah. I went through an unnecessarily long proof of Judaism process which has been all settled now. Shout out to Rav Schertz! Once my file was opened I went forward with selecting an Ulpan and I will be studying @ Kibbutz Ein Hashofet in the Ulpan for Student Olim Chadashim (Student immigrants) . Things have been slow as there's not much to do when you are waiting for your file to be approved and I received word last week that it was. The most exciting news to report is that I booked my one-way ticket to Israel today!!!! It's really happening although I had wanted to leave in early September with Nefesh, family obligations which include the high holidays have led me to reconsider and I'm booked on the Sept. 29 flight out of Newark.
More news to come soon as I apply for my Visa in the coming weeks.

New Beginnings- an introduction

So first I should introduce myself. For those of you who don't know I'm a senior at Penn State University and I'll be graduating in August. I will be making aliyah (emigrating to Israel) in late September and through this blog I will try to document the process, articulate my feelings, and share my experiences.
Now that the formalities are out of the way I'll bring you up to speed.
My fifth trip to Israel was a 2 week adventure in early January of this year. I traveled with a group of young adults to volunteer my time and to experience something of the North of Israel in the wake of this summer's war. I spent much of the trip in Tzfat, cleaning and refurbishing bomb shelters and exploring the beautiful mountains, trails and scenery of the Northern Galil and the Golan. Along the way the thoughts of Aliyah began to trickle into my mind and eventually penetrated my heart. On previous trips I had fantasized about moving to Israel but it was never a serious option. This time it was different, I understood that Aliyah was not some far off dream and that Israel was not just an occasional spiritual playground, it was and is a special place where I could really begin a new and meaningful path in my life. With that I decided I was coming to Israel to live after college. Often people ask me why I want to move to Israel in utter disbelief and I often have trouble articulating it. What I can say is that I think of generations of family before me, living a meager existence in the cold, poor, villages of Galicia and Russia who prayed to g-d daily to return to Eretz Tzion. These poor people many of whom perished in the pogroms, the czars army and the Shoah never new of the Jewish State, never set foot on the shores of Eretz Yisrael, never walked in the path of our forefathers, never saw thousands of Jews gathered in prayer in Yerushalayim and never imagined that one day their descendant, Ethan Henshell, Yisrael ben Shmuel would do all of those things. Today I have the privilege to settle in the land of my people, to help build our nation and to ensure that we continue to be a light unto nations and for that I am grateful to my ancestors who toiled in exile and prayed for the gift I have been given.