Thursday, July 19, 2007


Just got back from Philly and I have my Aliyah Visa! Didn't have any of the problems that I expected since my last passport was stolen and I didn't have proof of entry and exit dates but they didn't even ask me about it... more worrying over nothing. I also had lunch w/ my dad and a former Colonel in the IDF who was so nice to talk to and she gave me some good advice including calling her if I need anything since she's got some serious connections. Other than that not much to report. Things are looking up.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hopefully Thursday be it

So I went to the SOP and final meeting which included a dinner held in Philly for summer Olim... A lot of congratualtory speeches some free food and an information packet.

Now that they've assured me I'll have a terrible time dealing with the bureaucracy and adjustment etc, I think I'll have to disregard about 95% of the event.

Anyway, I should be going to back to philly on Thursday to apply for the Aliyah Visa and pending a smooth process there I should be all set for September.

Not too much else going on at the momement just trying to survive my last class which will be over in 3 weeks. Before I know it I'll be in Israel.

Last but not least a big shoutout and Kol Hakavod to Cori (see link to right) on her draft notice!