Tuesday, May 15, 2007

So Excited!

My new digital camera just arrived!! Now I'll have all the pics i need from graduations and I'll be set for documenting my aliyah/klita! Charging the battery now can't wait to get started... Also I'm headed to Philly on Thursday morning to apply for my Visa and have the SOP meeting with Liran (not sure what we'll be discussing but should be interesting) Anyway, I'm headed out to enjoy the sun.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Horrible- No Excuse!

Anyone following the news out of Israel today could not have missed the apprehension of the suspected killer of a taxi driver in Tel Aviv. The confessed murderer and his younger brother apparently loured the driver, an Israeli Arab into their apartment attacked him and ultimately murdered him by slicing his throat. The man was apparently murdered for no reason other than being an Arab. The suspects are French olim which only adds to the horror and injustice of this crime. After we saw the beating and ultimate murder of a young Jewish man in France which prompted condemnation from leaders around the world, two Jews from France have committed an equally horrific crime for which they will not pay alone but we as the Jewish people will have to suffer the consequences. We as a nation are to be as a light unto all nations, we are not taught to kill in cold blood, to plot against our neighbor. Not only as a future Oleh, but first and foremost as a Jew I am ashamed and horrified by the violence brutality and hatred exhibited by these two men, my coreligionists, my brothers. It is a sad day for Jews, it is a sad day for Israel, and I pray that Hashem grants comfort to the family of the victim and for the two involved that justice be swift.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Quick note on Propeganda

For anyone who's been following the story coming out of the territories this week dealing with children's television (mickey mouse) advocating terrorism, check out Yael's blog @ olehgirl.com for a clip from Glen Beck's radio program. If your interested in just how far western media goes to cover the tracks of the terrist regime in the territories this story alone should explain a great deal.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Finals Week Update

Well I'm another step closer to graduation. I finished classes last week and I have 3 finals tommorrow which spells the end to my last Spring semester here in State College PA. While I thought last week was one of the all time worst as far as workload goes, tonight may take the cake as the worst night ever of my college career. I have 3 final exams tommorrow and I can't bring myself to get into the study mode to compound these academic issues, I wasted half my day getting my car fixed this afternoon and then when I was at the gym tonight I got this feeling like I had just given blood and I almost passed out. In a last ditch effort to get some work done I got out of my apartment and headed down to the diner for study hall in the back but even here I'm finding it difficult to focus/care. I just keep browsing the Israel blog scene and checking for updates on all the Israeli news sites. Anyway, Israel is constantly on my mind. I wake up thinking about my Aliyah, I daydream about it, and I fall asleep to thoughts of warm mediteranean breezes. This whole waiting game is a little annoying but It's also pretty frustrating when the people you love keep reminding you of all the things you will miss.
So anyway, most of my friends are graduating and I'll be stuck in school all summer. It's actually a little more upsetting than I expected. While I'm dying to get out of here and move on with my life, there are some people that have become integral parts of my life and I'm struggling with the idea that our relationships will most certainly change. I guess this is all part of growing up but I wish transitions didn't have to come with so much emotion.
I'm sure I've lemented enough and I'm going to try to cut back on the complaining in the future but I just had to get some thoughts out that have been bouncing around in my head. As you can all tell by now, I don't have any big news or info on my Aliyah but I will be sure to update when something if anything happens.