Thursday, August 23, 2007

the latest

So I haven't posted here in over a month and I know few people are reading as of yet but I'd like to post the latest info.

I've been in touch with the director of the Ulpan at Kibbutz Ein Hashofet. I have permission to arrive early which will be a great help. I've finalized my flight details after ELAL moved me to a JFK flight for no reason. I'm happy to say I'm back to my original EWR departure and I'm counting down the days.

In other news has anyone seen the CNN feature, G-d's Warriors. Check out the chatter around the net and decide for yourself but the depiction of Jewish so-called warriors was not only distasteful but blatantly wrong. While i don't defend violent actions of a small number of extremists, it is unfair to equate the entire settlement movement in Israel as well as their American supporters (Christian and Jewish) with the violent and hateful movements of militant Islam. Christiane Amanpour has done a disservice to truth in Journalism and has defamed many Jews and Christians in an effort to equate groups of fundamentalist christians and right wing and orthodox Jews with the culture of death that is sweeping the Islamic world.

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